Ofsted & Results
Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place on 7th & 8th June 2022. The school was inspected under Section 5 of the Education Act with five inspectors spending two days in school. We are delighted that we were judged to be a GOOD school in all areas.
Please view our Ofsted reports below or alternatively visit the Ofsted Website
school performance
2020 & 2021 Performance
Due to the pandemic, results in 2020 and 2021 were based upon teacher assessed grades and are not recorded on our website or in government league tables.
2019 GCSE Performance
Progress 8 score : -0.11 (average)
Attainment 8 score per pupil of 50.0
68.6% of students achieved a standard pass in both English and Maths
41.9% achieved a strong pass. (Grades 5 – 9)
Ebacc pass rate (5+) 22.7% Ebacc points score 4.71 EBacc entry 51.5%
Destinations 96% of our students stayed in education or employment after key stage 4 (2017 cohort - latest available data)
72.2% of students achieved 5 Grades 4-9 GCSEs or equivalent
21.1% of students achieved 5 Grades 7-9 GCSEs or equivalent
9.1% of students achieved 8 Grades 7-9 GCSEs or equivalent
25.5% of all GCSE Grades at A or A* / 7-9
2019 A-Level Performance
Level 3 Value Added Score +0.15 (above average)
Average point score per A Level entry 36.2
% A Level students achieving AAB in two or more facilitating subjects 27.3%
30.2% of all grades at A or A*
2018 GCSE Performance
In 2018, the school made the decision to continue to enter students for one year GCSE courses despite us knowing that some of these results would not be counted in the official figures from DfE. This decision was made in the best interests of our students, maintaining the breadth of the curriculum they had originally chosen in year 9. The biggest impact this has had was on our Progress 8, Attainment 8 and Ebacc performance data.
Progress 8 score : -0.23
Attainment 8 score per pupil of 48.3
66% of students achieved a standard pass in both English and Maths
44% achieved a strong pass. (Grades 5 – 9)
Ebacc pass rate (5+) 21.1% Ebacc points score 4.48 EBacc entry 47%
Destinations 97% of our students stayed in education or employment after key stage 4 (2016 cohort - latest available data)
72% of students achieved 5A*-C / Grades 4-9 GCSEs
21% of students achieved 5A*-A / Grades 7-9 GCSEs
12% of students achieved 8A*-A / Grades 7-9 GCSEs
26% of all GCSE Grades at A or A* / 7-9
2018 A-Level Performance
Average point score per A Level entry 37.3
% A Level students achieving AAB in two or more facilitating subjects 31.6%
36.4% of all grades at A or A*
2018 School & College Official Performance Tables Service:
Follow this link to the 2018 official government performance tables to see how we compare. >> Click here to view <<
2017 GCSE Performance
Progress 8 score : 0.38 (above average – lower confidence interval 0.19)
Attainment 8 score per pupil of 54.65 (on 2017 point scores, not directly comparable with previous years)
80% of students achieved a standard pass in both English and Maths (equivalent to A*-C in previous years). This is a school record. 53% achieved a strong pass. (Grades 5 – 9)
55% of students achieved a standard pass in the English Baccalaureate (grade 4 or above in English and Maths and Grade C or above in the E.Bacc qualifying subjects). This is a school record. 43% achieved a strong pass in the English Baccalaureate (Grades 5-9 in English and Maths). English Baccalaureate entry was 62%
80% of students achieved 5A*-C / Grades 4-9 GCSEs
34% of students achieved 5A*-A / Grades 7-9 GCSEs
22% of students achieved 8A*-A / Grades 7-9 GCSEs
33% of all GCSE Grades at A or A* / 7-9
2017 A-Level Performance
Average point score per A Level entry 33.23 (new points system)
% A Level students achieving AAB in two or more facilitating subjects 25.8%
29 % of all grades at A or A*
2016 GCSE Performance
82 % of students gained 5A*-C GCSEs
77 % of students gained 5A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths
35% of students gained 5 A*-A GCSEs
19% of students gained 8 A*-A GCSEs
49 % of all students achieved all English Baccalaureate subjects (well above the national average).
34 % of all GCSE grades at A or A*
Attainment 8 score of 57.4
2016 A-Level Performance
Average point score per A Level entry 40.8 (Grade B)
Average point score per A Level student 132.8
% A Level students achieving AAB in two or more facilitating subjects 36%
43% of all grades at A or A*
2015 GCSE Performance
82 % of students gained 5A*-C GCSEs
70 % of students gained 5A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths
30% of students gained 5 A*-A GCSEs
16% of students gained 8 A*-A GCSEs
49 % of all students achieved all English Baccalaureate subjects (well above the national average).
(Recognised by the DFE for the second year running as one of the top 100 non-selective state schools in the country on this measure).
29 % of all GCSE grades at A or A*
Attainment 8 Score of 57.1 . This is very high and equates to the average points scored per student across qualifying subjects (English and Maths – double counted; Three English Baccalaureate subjects – Sciences, Languages, Geography and History; and three other approved subjects) where grades are awarded points on a 1 to 8 scale with 1 point for a Grade G GCSE and 8 points for an A*.
Progress 8 Score of 0.30. This means that on average students achieved 0.3 of a grade higher on each of the above qualifying subjects than students nationally of a similar prior ability.
2015 A-Level Performance
Average point score per A Level entry 230.9
Average point score per A Level student 821.7
% A Level students achieving AAB in two or more facilitating subjects 26%
L3VA (The DFE measurement of post-16 value-added) 0.11 (sig +) (National average = 0)