» About Us » Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Education Needs & Disabilities

Every small step forward is a step in the right direction.

Learning support for our students with Special Education Needs and/or disabilities is a partnership between parents/carers and school. We have the same high aspirations for academic progress and personal growth four our SEN students as we do for all our students. Our dedicated support team work closely with parents, teachers and students to secure practical plans which support personalised learning.

The learning support team is comprised of a SENCO and 10 teaching assistants.  Our focus is on supporting all learners to access the curriculum alongside their peers and we provide in-class support to our learners.  In addition, time-limited small group interventions are delivered by the teaching assistant team at the start of the day and after school sessions in English and Maths are available to support Key Stage 4 students in the run up to their exams.  All SEN students have a named worker from this team who contacts parents and carers on a termly basis to provide updates and to ensure that the support we provide is in line with the needs of the student. The named worker ensures that all teachers are aware of the most up to date information regarding the student.

Our support begins in year 6, through close liaison with Primary Schools, and extends throughout a student’s time at school. We offer enhanced support at transition phases with additional guidance for the options process and support with making choices at the end of Key Stages 4 and 5.  Our support is for the development of the whole child, including his/her personal and social development.

The Learning Support Centre provides many students with a secure base and access to support at break and lunchtime in addition to access to specialist advice and guidance.  We are committed to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to access extra-curricular enrichment opportunities, supporting staff running clubs, activities and trips with advice and additional staffing where appropriate.

We foster strong links with the local authority and other support agencies and the Educational Psychologist, who assist us in developing our expertise.



SENCo - Mrs S. McGreal
To contact a member of the SEN team at Stokesley School, please email send-stk@arete.uk




For further information about support for Special Educational Needs in North Yorkshire please follow the link below to see the North Yorkshire Local Offer.


Given the location of Stokesley School, we do make provision for students who reside in neighbouring Local Authorities.  The Local Offer for Middlesbrough and for Redcar and Cleveland can be accessed via the links below:



Parent quote:

“We have watched him grow from an anxious boy, who did not like anything in his life to change, into a self confident young man who is comfortable talking to people and much, much better equipped to take on life’s challenges.”


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