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Staff List

At Stokesley School we appreciate the importance of working in partnership with local families.

If you need to contact a member of staff, please email stokesley@arete.uk and your message will be passed onto the appropriate person. Please indicate clearly who you are trying to contact on the email. In most cases, staff will try to respond very quickly. However, this will not always be possible. We aim to respond to all non-urgent emails within two working days.

Senior Leaders

Name Position
Mr M. FenwickHeadteacher
Mrs. J.DarbyshireDeputy Headteacher (Secondment: 2024/25)
Mrs S. McGrealDeputy Headteacher (SENDCo)
Mr J. BurnsSenior Assistant Headteacher
Dr C. ReedSenior Assistant Headteacher
Mrs E. FoxAssistant Headteacher, Personal Development.
Ms. V. WrightAssistant Headteacher. Teaching and Learning
Mrs J. MyersDesignated Safeguarding Lead and Admin Manager
Mr. W. HamerDirector of KS3
Mrs. J. BaileyDirector of KS4
Mrs. J. JealDirector of KS5
Mr. M. AlcockAssociate Asst. Headteacher, Digital Innovation and Intervention
Mr. C. JonesAssociate Asst. Headteacher, Communication, Workload and Wellbeing.

Pastoral Heads of Year

Name Position
Mr. S. DurhamHead of Y7
Mrs. A. Dumphy-BrookHead of Y8
Mrs. C. GlicksteinHead of Y9
Ms. H. MesleyHead of Y10
Mr. R. RaynerHead of Y11
Mr. J. DinsdaleHead of Y12/13
Mrs. J. WilkinsonHead of Pastoral Intervention

Creative Arts Faculty

Name Position
Miss C. HallHead of Faculty / Subject Leader of Music
Mr M. GreenSubject Leader of Art
Mr T. LuganoTeacher of Art
Mrs R. KentSubject Leader of Drama
Miss L. PottingerTeacher of Drama

Humanities Faculty

Name Position
Mr C. JonesHead of Faculty / Subject Leader of Geography (Assoc. Asst. Head)
Miss S. ColemanSubject Leader of History
Ms. L. PalliserSubject Leader of Philosophy & Ethics / Health & Social Care
Miss N. WatsonTeacher of Geography
Miss H. WhiteTeacher of Geography
Mr S. HeslopTeacher of History
Miss C. DowsonTeacher of History
Mrs Z. DavidsonTeacher of Sociology
Mr. J. WalkerTeacher of Humanities.
Mrs. V. WrightTeacher of Geography - Asst. Headteacher

English Faculty

Name Position
Mr. M. SimpsonHead of Faculty / Subject Leader of English
Mr P. OuthwaiteTeacher of English
Mrs L. FoxTeacher of English - Asst. Headteacher
Mr C. AdamsAssistant Head of Faculty
Miss B. ClayTeacher of English
Mr D. FoxTeacher of English
Mr W. HamerTeacher of English - Director of KS3
Mrs N. LakeTeacher of English
Mrs S. McGrealTeacher of English - Deputy Head
Mr N. SharlandTeacher of English

Maths Faculty

Name Position
Mr M. AlcockHead of Faculty - Assoc. Asst. Head
Miss S. HiltonAssistant Head of Faculty
Miss E BudenbergTeacher of Maths
Mr J. BurnsTeacher of Maths - Senior Asst. Head
Miss C. HareTeacher of Maths
Mr D. StelmachTeacher of Maths
Mrs J. WilkinsonTeacher of Maths
Mrs D. WalkerTeacher of Maths

Modern & Ancient Languages Faculty

Name Position
Mrs S. DrummHead of Faculty
Mrs L. BrownAssistant Head of Faculty
Miss H. McAuleyTeacher of Languages
Mr O. RiddleTeacher of Languages
Miss H. SmithTeacher of Languages
Mrs. G. WalesTeacher of Languages

Physical & Health Education

Name Position
Mr D. BeattieHead of Faculty
Mr. M. FenwickTeacher of PE - Headteacher
Miss L. AsherTeacher of PE
Mr M. BrandonTeacher of PE
Mrs B. GoslingTeacher of PE
Miss J. StewartTeacher of PE
Mr N. WilsonTeacher of PE

Sciences Faculty

Name Position
Mr D. JealHead of Faculty
Mrs J. JealHead of Chemistry - Director of KS5
Mrs C. TweddleHead of Biology
Ms. A HopeHead of Physics
Mrs J. BaileyTeacher of Science - Director of KS4
Mrs A. BorrickTeacher of Science
Dr C. ReedTeacher of Psychology - Senior Asst. Head
Mrs C. March-ShawcrossTeacher of Science
Miss. M. PageTeacher of Science
Mrs. N. BriggsTeacher of Science
Ms. Z. IsmailTeacher of Science
Mr. D. StonehouseTeacher of Science

Technology and Enterprise Faculty

Name Position
Mr M. RobinsonHead of Faculty
Mrs. C. MurphyHead of FTT / Teacher of FTT
Mrs N. DentTeacher of DT
Miss S. DinsleyTeacher of IT + Computing
Mr C. SimpsonHead of DT
Mr M. StevensTeacher of DT
Mrs. S. MakwanaTeacher of Business Studies / Economics

Cover Supervisor

Name Position
Mr. R. NassauCover Supervisor
Miss L. PottingerCover Supervisor
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