» Curriculum » House System
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From September 2023, we have reintroduced a student-led House System in school. The system is developed and shaped around 6 key missions:

  • to foster a sense of community;
  • to celebrate the successes of our students, in whatever guise they come;
  • to provide opportunities for students to learn and develop leadership skills;
  • to encourage healthy competition;
  • to strengthen the link between the lower school and the sixth form;
  • to allow for more opportunities for fun through a diverse range of activities.

As part of the House system, students work towards the glory of winning the House Cup each year, which they will all contribute to through earning House Points and taking part in activities and competitions throughout the year.

There are seven houses in school, and all staff and students now belong to one of these. The seven school houses are named after Greek Gods, and are as follows:


The Houses are led by sixth form students in the roles of Senior House Captains and House Captains and are supported by House captains in each form in the lower school, all of whom are appointed through an application process demonstrating their commitment to the school (and their house) community.

As part of the House system, students are able to earn House Ties which come with privileges in school (as well as, of course, responsibilities!). House ties, along with extra curricular pin badges, are awarded in termly House assemblies where we celebrate student achievements and successes.

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