Hot Chocolate Friday 25 October 2019
13 February 2020 | Darren Smith
This week it was back to our fabulous Y7s again on Hot chocolate Friday. One person from each form was nominated for the following reasons:
- Hassan – who is always helpful and organised. He also helps others in the form. He is doing well in lessons, tries really hard in form and is very independent around school.
- Holly – for being always willing to help people, and for getting her excellent competition entry in for the Rotary Artist Competition so quickly.
- Zoe – for receiving outstanding feedback on her help in Maths during the recent Open Day. She is also a very polite and friendly member of the form who is always willing to help.
- Alex – for always being ready, respectful and ambitious, and for going about his business with the minimum of fuss!
- Charlotte – for being extremely polite: she is always the first person at the door on a morning with a smile and a “hello”. She always has her equipment out and ready immediately and has shown excellent resilience for tasks that she has found difficult.
- Jack – for fantastic ambition resulting in much better organisation and a form record for ambition points this week. Also, for his mature and open attitude to making friends, supporting and working with others in form.
- Timmie – for really trying hard to be a great ambassador for the school. He sent a letter of thanks to the teachers for organising the geography trip and was superb during Open Evening.
- Thomas – for supporting the school by providing vouchers to the P.E department for equipment. This shows that he is taking an active role in the school community.