Hot Chocolate Friday 31 January 2020
19 February 2020 | Darren Smith
After a break for gas leaks and careers events, the latest hot chocolate nominees were from Y9. The reasons for their nominations were as follows:
Harry – for being an excellent member of the form.
Eoin – for being ready and respectful, having 100% attendance and contributing to all aspects of form life. Eoin can often be found reading his novel and also gives well founded opinions during learning for life.
Oliver – for having a sustained positive attitude and outlook and being keen to embrace form and school life.
James – for being a good citizen and helping others.
Hope – for organising a charity cake bake to raise funds for a charity-based trip to Zambia she is undertaking in 2021.
Faith – also for organising a charity cake bake to raise funds for a charity-based trip to Zambia she is undertaking in 2021.
Hannah – for setting the perfect example for all Stokesley students. She is always ambitious in her approach and as a result has one of the highest ambition point tallies in the form.
Olly – for his intellectual curiosity, excellent attitude in everything he does and for contributing ideas to form.
Billy – for contributing to learning for life discussions, articulating his thoughts well whilst always being respectful of others opinions.