» Key Information » Uniform


Our school uniform is important to us. It is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school family and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life. It promotes harmony between different groups represented in the school, and it enhances security, assisting the school to identify individual pupils in order to maintain good order, and to more easily spot those who shouldn't be on the school site.

High standards of appearance are expected at all times.

The school believes that a school uniform is important because it:

  • looks smart
  • wears well
  • is cost effective
  • contributes to a sense of belonging
  • gives a common purpose
  • fosters a feeling of pride
  • reduces ‘fashion competition’ between children
  • prepares students well for similar demands in the workplace in future years
  • assists in safeguarding students by making them identifiable

All children should wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain an acceptable standard of clean and tidy dress in school. It reflects the needs of the cultural traditions represented at Stokesley School. The uniform list sets out the details of the uniform that we expect students to wear and has been updated to reflect changes from 1st March 2023. Essentially, students must wear a blazer and year group tie supplied by our uniform supplier, in addition to a polo shirt for PE.

Our uniform supplier is: Michael Sehgal and Sons Ltd. Uniform can be purchased online at: www.michaelsehgal.co.uk Telephone: 0191 230 2320


  • From September 2024: The tie colours for each year group are: Y 7 orange; Y8 green; Y9 blue; Y10 red; Y11 purple. Ties are supplied by our uniform supplier
  • School blazer that must be worn at all times
  • Optional black V-Neck Knitted Sweater. If a jumper is worn a blazer must be worn as well
  • A plain white school shirt (long-sleeved or short-sleeved) that can be buttoned to the collar (shirt should be buttoned at the top)
  • School trousers must be black and full length. We appreciate that the fit of these can be difficult to judge and so as long as these are. Slimmer fitting trousers will be allowed but they must be full length and have the attributes of trousers such as pockets, buttons and zips, we will not accept leggings or jeans material.
  • Black, pleated, formal, approximately knee length. If a skirt is to be worn, then plain black tights (minimum of 60 denier) must be worn under the skirt
  • Plain black tailored shorts (the same material as school trousers).
  • Whilst in school, sensible plain black school shoes. No trainers, boots, plimsolls, sandals or heels may be worn.  There should not be any sizeable logos, any colour or any extravagant adornments on the shoes such as large bows and sequins for example, small, black bows and small black tassels are acceptable. Examples of acceptable shoes and unacceptable shoes are shown on the next page. In very poor weather conditions (heavy snow or heavy rain), students may come to school in boots.  However, when in school and on school grounds school shoes must be worn
  • If students are attending college for the day as part of their education they may come to school in the clothes they need for college.  If they are back at school, they should change back into school uniform
  • A sturdy bag to carry equipment and books to and from school.  School bags that are permitted are rucksacks, shoulder bags and satchels.  PE kit may be brought into school in a separate kit bag

Uniform Support

The school maintains a stock of second-hand uniform which is available for parents/carers upon request. The school encourages all parents/carers to donate any outgrown or unwanted uniform items to the school if they are able.




Like our School Uniform, the PE Kit is now supplied by Michael Sehgal and Sons Ltd.  (www.michaelsehgal.co.uk). Different styles are available.

In addition to the PE Kit shown above all students require:

  • Plain white ankle socks (indoor)
  • Plain black football socks (outdoor)
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Towel
  • Swimming trunks/shorts (navy or black and above the knee) or one piece swimming costume
  • Hair fastening, if required
  • Plain black shorts
  • Black tracksuit bottoms/leggings are optional, with staff permission
  • Trainers
  • Football or rugby boots

During the winter months when students take part in outdoor PE they would potentially benefit from the following additional items, however, they are non-compulsory:

  • Plain black thermal underlayers (tops and leggings such as Skins)
  • A plain black hooded top can also be bought from our uniform supplier
  • Shin pads (Highly recommended for hockey and rugby)
  • Gum shield (Highly recommended for hockey and rugby)


  • Non-black belts or overly elaborate, decorative belts.
  • Subtle, natural looking, make-up will be allowed but any student wearing excessive makeup (including false eyelashes and nails) will not be allowed. Any final decision about the appropriateness of elements of uniform or makeup will be at the discretion of the year leader or members of the senior team.
  • Tattoos including henna tattoos.
  • Trousers or skirts that are modified, other than bottom of trousers needing to be taken up.
  • Skin tight fitting, jeans or legging type trousers are not allowed in school
  • Hoodies and sports tops worn as coats and under blazers.
  • Head wear including caps (unless specified by school).
  • Sunglasses.
  • Jewelry is banned in school. For simplicity this means no earrings, rings, bracelets or necklaces. The only piece of jewelry a student can wear is a watch. Timely reminders are sent to parents about this expectation.

Extreme haircuts are banned in school

  • Very short hair, less than a blade two.
  • Students are not permitted to dye their hair in unnatural colours, this includes bleaching or bright colours.
  • Students are not allowed to have tramlines or patterns of any sort shaved into their hair.
  • If as a parent you have any query about appropriate hairstyles or cuts, please contact your child's Head of Year before going to a barber or hairdresser.

Students wearing incorrect uniform

Standards of uniform are very high in the school, breaches have reduced over time and are now relatively rare. In all instances in which a student is not wearing the appropriate uniform, we support and work with both the student and parents to resolve the problem as it occurs, offering loaned uniform if a family is unable to provide this. Ultimately, if a student refuses to wear our uniform, we follow our behaviour policy to determine the appropriate sanctions.


Ties can be purchased from Student Services.

If a student cannot get the correct uniform from home or is unable to purchase the missing item, they will receive a negative behaviour point for every item of uniform missing.  These are accumulated with other negative behaviour points that lead to sanctions being issued as part of our behaviour policy.

If a student has a specific medical reason for wearing non-uniform at any time, this must be communicated to the school in advance and be accompanied by a doctor’s note.

Adaptations to school uniform may be announced in in the event of extreme weather events and will be communicated accordingly with parents, carers, students and staff.








Examples of acceptable and unacceptable unbranded uniform

trousers and shorts


Specialised equipment may be required in certain lessons and they should be brought when necessary. Text books and specialised equipment will be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage to school property.


Students should also bring a water bottle with them to school to be able to to refill their water at break and lunch times from our free water fountains.

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