» News » Pupils at Stokesley now know how to Restart a Heart.

Pupils at Stokesley now know how to Restart a Heart.

13 February 2020  |  Darren Smith

This week the Yorkshire Ambulance service visited Stokesley School to help educate pupils and staff on how to perform CPR in a critical circumstance. Volunteers from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service have been visiting schools across Yorkshire this month to teach this life saving skill to many young people across the county.

The volunteers have been to over 160 schools across Yorkshire, about 850 volunteered from within YAS (Yorkshire Ambulance Service), each of the regional fire services and police forces, hospital staff, university students and the list goes on.

It is anticipated that they will have taught in excess of 40,000 students, which takes the total in Yorkshire to nearly 150,000 trained in the last six years.

“The fact that so many are prepared to invite us in to teach so many young people is truly admirable and remarkable,” says Jason Carlyon, Senior Engagement Lead of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

It must be appreciated as to how huge a task it is to manage the event and it grows each year, but you may be surprised to know that Jason is only supported by 4 other people on the project team. Thankfully,  each of those individuals are fantastic at what they do and ensure that they manage to pull off the seemingly impossible each year.

In January, the Government announcement that CPR and other first aid skills will be added to the national curriculum in England from 2020. With staff receiving more advanced training, the school is well positioned to start that introduction of the training to future pupils coming to the school.

Jason also added: “I must say that the feedback I have had from the volunteers already is that they really enjoyed visiting your school, they were made to feel very welcome and looked after.”

“Your students were well behaved and engaged/enthusiastic. The social media activity has been great to see also, it really helps get the message out and profile raised.”

Everyone in the school really enjoyed the course, and it was a very engaging and interactive for the students to participate in. It will definitely set up students and staff for life, and hopefully at some point in the future they can even save someone’s life themselves.

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