» Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop

Stokesley School - ICT Acceptable Use and Social Media Policy

Whilst our school promotes the use of technology, and understands the positive effects it can have on enhancing pupils’ learning and community engagement, we must also ensure that staff use technology appropriately. Any misuse of technology will not be taken lightly and will be reported to the Headteacher in order for any necessary further action to be taken.

This acceptable use agreement is designed to outline staff responsibilities when using technology, whether this is via personal devices or school devices, or on/off the school premises, and applies to all staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors.

Please read this document carefully, a separate digital signature will be required to show you agree to the terms outlined.

Using Technology in School

  • I will only use ICT systems, such as computers (including laptops) and tablets, which have been permitted for my use by the Headteacher.
  • I will take responsibility for the care of any assets in my control or use, leaving them in a reasonable state for the next user and reporting any faults/damage to the Network Team immediately.
  • I will only use the approved email accounts that have been provided to me.
  • I will not use personal emails to send and receive personal data or information.
  • I will not use school email to send personal messages.
  • I will not share sensitive personal data with any other pupils, staff or third parties unless explicit consent has been received.
  • I will ensure that any personal data is stored in line with the GDPR.
  • I will delete any chain letters, spam and other emails from unknown sources without opening them and report them to the Network Manager.
  • I will ensure that I obtain permission prior to accessing learning materials from unapproved sources.
  • I will only use the internet for personal use during out-of-school hours, including break and lunch times.
  • I will not search for, view, download, upload or transmit any explicit or inappropriate material when using the internet.
  • I will not share school-related passwords with pupils, staff or third parties unless permission has been given for me to do so.
  • I will not install any software onto school ICT systems unless instructed to do so by the Network Manager or Headteacher.
  • I will only use recommended and approved removable media and will keep this securely stored in line with the GDPR.
  • I will only store data on removable media or other technological devices that has been encrypted of pseudonymised and approved by the Network Team.
  • I will only store sensitive personal data where it is absolutely necessary and which is encrypted.
  • I will provide removable media to the Network Team for safe disposal once I am finished with it.

Mobile Devices

  • I will only use school-owned mobile devices for educational purposes.
  • I will ensure that mobile devices are either switched off or set to silent mode during school hours, and will only make or receive calls in specific areas, e.g. the staffroom.
  • I will not use mobile devices to take images or videos of pupils or staff – I will seek permission from the Headteacher before any school-owned mobile device is used to take images or recordings.
  • I will not use mobile devices to send inappropriate messages, images or recordings.
  • I will ensure that personal and school-owned mobile devices do not contain any inappropriate or illegal content.
  • I will not access the WiFi system using personal mobile devices, unless permission has been given by the Headteacher or Network Manager.
  • I will not use personal and school-owned mobile devices to communicate with pupils or parents.
  • I will not store any images or videos of pupils, staff or parents on any mobile device unless consent has been sought from the individual(s) in the images or videos.
  • In-line with the above, I will only process images or videos of pupils, staff or parents for the activities for which consent has been sought.
  • I will ensure that any school data stored on personal mobile devices is encrypted and pseudonymised and give permission for the Network Manager to erase and wipe data off my device if it is lost or as part of exit procedures.

Social Media and Online Professionalism

  • If I am representing the school online, e.g. through blogging or on school social media account, I will express neutral opinions and will not disclose any confidential information regarding the school, or any information that may affect its reputation.
  • I will not use any school-owned mobile devices to access personal social networking sites, unless it is beneficial to the material being taught; I will gain permission from the Headteacher before accessing the site.
  • I will not communicate with pupils or parents over personal social networking sites.
  • I will not accept ‘friend requests’ from any pupils or parents over personal social networking sites.
  • I will ensure that I apply the necessary privacy settings to any social networking sites and regularly review these.
  • I will not publish any comments or posts about the school on any social networking sites which may affect the school’s reputation.
  • I will not post or upload any defamatory, objectionable, copyright infringing or private material, including images and videos of pupils, staff or parents, on any online website.
  • I will refrain from showing strong political allegiance through social media and take care when supporting online campaigning.
  • I will not post or upload any images and videos of pupils, staff or parents on any online website without consent from the individual(s) in the images or videos.
  • In-line with the above, I will only post images or videos of pupils, staff or parents for the activities for which consent has been sought.
  • I will not give my home address, phone number, mobile number, social networking details or personal email addresses to pupils or parents – any contact with parents will be done through authorised school contact channels.

Working at Home

    • I will remember that any school-related off-site working is subject to the same policies and procedures as in-school working.
    • I will adhere to the principles of the GDPR when taking work home.
    • I will ensure I obtain permission from the Headteacher and data protection officer (DPO) before any personal data is transferred from a school-owned device to a personal device.
    • I will ensure any data transferred from a school-owned device to a personal device is encrypted or pseudonymised.
    • I will ensure any sensitive personal data is not transferred to a personal device unless completely necessary – and, when doing so, that it is encrypted.
    • I will not choose to ‘remember’ my password when signing in to any school systems and services, particularly when using non-school owned devices.
    • I will ensure no unauthorised persons, such as family members or friends, access any areas of personal devices used for home working.
    • I will take full responsibility for the safe transportation and care of any school devices used for working at home.


  • I will ensure I participate in any e-safety or online training offered to me, and will remain up-to-date with current developments in social media and the internet as a whole.
  • I will ensure that I allow the Network Team and Data Protection Officer to undertake regular audits to identify any areas of need I may have in relation to training.
  • I will ensure I employ methods of good practice and act as a role model for pupils when using the internet and other digital devices.
  • I will ensure that I deliver any training to pupils as required.

Reporting Misuse

  • I will ensure that I adhere to any responsibility I have for monitoring pupils’ internet usage.
  • I will ensure that I report any misuse by pupils, or by staff members breaching the procedures outlined in this agreement, to the Headteacher.
  • I understand that my use of the internet will be monitored by the Network Team and recognise the consequences if I breach the terms of this agreement.
  • I understand that the Headteacher may decide to take disciplinary action against me in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure, if I breach this agreement.

By clicking the following accept & Continue button, I am agreeing to the terms and conditions laid out in this policy.

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