» News » Stokesley School Celebrates GCSE Success

Stokesley School Celebrates GCSE Success

13 February 2020  |  Darren Smith

Stokesley School is proud to be celebrating excellent results in 2019. Progress scores for all students have improved from 2018 with some stand-out individual department and student performances. 25% of all grades were 7-9 (the equivalent of A and above)  and 6.5% were grade 9s which is the new top grade harder to achieve than the old A*. Both of these figures are above last year’s national figures. Science were the top contributing department to the grade 9 tally with 60 students achieving top marks!

As well as pushing the high achievers, the school has been focusing on the progress of both boys and disadvantaged students and are pleased to report that both measures have improved this summer.

In terms of individual student success, the six students who made the most progress – outperforming their targets and their peers of similar ability – are Jenny Petch, Will French, Katie Cooper, Holly Margetts, Daisy Brown and Ellie Brown. The students who secured the highest grades in the year group are Phillipa Myers and Imogen McConnell who proudly received their eight grade 9s, one grade 8 and A* in Further Maths. What a fabulous set of results! They were closely followed by Jenny Petch, Euan Sanderson, Dominic Gordon and Katie Cooper who also got a range of outstanding top grades as well as a their Further Maths at A or A*.

Headteacher Hannah Millett said “Although we are pleased to see some improvement in our data as a whole school, what really matters on days like today is the individual students and their personal success. We are delighted to see so many students achieving beyond their expectations and look forward to welcoming many of them back into our successful sixth form next month. For those who are moving on to pastures new, we wish them every success for the future.”

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