Stokesley School Y11 Students Collect their Final Grades
20 August 2020 | Darren Smith
After much uncertainty and unrest surrounding last week’s A-Level results, our Y11 students received their results today minus any distractions created by an Ofqual algorithm. Around two thirds of the year group elected to collect their results in person, and it was a pleasure to see them after such a long period of time since their schooling was so abruptly ended.
Headteacher Hannah Millett said “This is not a time to be celebrating any achievements by the school: this is a time to recognise the endeavour of our individual students that has led them to this point. We are pleased that the awarding of grades no lower than the school’s carefully calculated Centre Assessed Grades means that, today, our students are truly being rewarded with the grades they deserve after two years of hard work on their courses.
We are delighted so many of our students are choosing to return to our high performing sixth form college in the new academic year, but would also like to wish our other students well as they embark upon a range of college courses and apprenticeships that will no doubt lead them on to great things.”