Stokesley School is committed to providing all students with impartial careers information, advice and guidance to enable them to make the right choices for their futures. All students in Year 11 have careers education in LIFE lessons which are designed to support them to make decisions about the next steps in their education and careers post-16. In year 11, these lessons are timetabled towards the beginning of the year to allow students the opportunity to think carefully - and make informed decisions - about what they want to do post-16.
All Students have a 1:1 careers meeting with our in-house Careers Adviser. The meeting allows the student impartial information, advice and guidance that is tailor made to that student and allows them to explore all options and opportunities available to them post 16.
Students develop their understanding of the world of work, employment opportunities and health and safety at work. All students develop a CV, a letter of application and notes for preparation for an interview, and attend the Careers Ideas Fair where they can meet with a range of employers, training and Apprenticeship providers, Further Education colleges and Universities.
Students develop their understanding of the world of work, employment opportunities and health and safety at work through our LIFE curriculum. A significant amount of curriculum time is also given over to students creating their own CV, both for the practice for later life but also so that they have one should they be thinking about - for example - applying for part time work.
Students have the opportunity to attend careers fairs, and we also take pride in the visiting employers that come into the school in a number of different guises. IN year 10, students also take part in our mock interview week, where students have the opportunity to prepare for - and undertake - a mock job interview with someone from a local business. This is an amazing event which always fills us and our students with so much pride.
Careers asks all local employers to take part and support our young people with your perspective on careers and employment. If you would like to get involved. Please email Miss Stirling.
YEARS 7, 8 AND 9
Students have careers education which helps to provide them with access to information and advice from an early age. Students discuss the world of work, the types of careers available and how careers link to education. This enables them to be able to make better-informed decisions and it also helps to raise aspirations and improve motivation for learning.
On top of the careers guidance in their LIFE lessons, students also have access to UNIFROG both in and out of school, and are part of our rolling programme of careers events and speakers which encourage students to think about what careers might be suitable for them.
As part of our options process in year 9, students have opportunities to think about their skills, interests and careers preferences before making their GCSE options as we know how important this step can be for young people.
A Levels
Many of our students stay on into our close-knit sixth form to study A Levels in a range of subjects.
An ‘advanced level’ or A-level is a qualification offered across a range of subjects to school-leavers (usually aged 16-18 years old), graded A*-E.
A-levels are studied across two years: your AS year (Year 12) and your A2 year (Year 13). You may sometimes hear A-levels being described as 'linear' – this phrase is used to describe the fact that A-level grades are determined by your final exam results at the end of Year 13.
Typical A-level subjects include:
Ones you’ve studied before: history, music, chemistry etc.Variations on ones you’ve studied before: eg you could choose between English literature, English language, or English literature and language; or you could take maths and further maths.
Subjects you’ve never had the chance to study before: eg law, philosophy, psychology etc.
T Levels are qualifications combining classroom learning, alongside an industry placement and they are designed for young people as an option following GCSEs (post-16).
They last for 2 years. They are equivalent to three A levels. They attract UCAS points.They have been created alongside employers.
They include an ‘Industry placement’ of at least 45 days. For anyone not quite ready, there is a 1-year transition programme.
Students will receive a nationally recognised qualification.
There are already 10 T Level subjects available, with more being added each year.
What are Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship levels range from level 2 (intermediate) through to level 7 (master's level) in more than 1,500 different job roles. Advanced apprenticeships Advanced apprenticeships are considered to be the same level as two or three A level passes.
Many individuals who have completed their A levels or other level 3 qualifications will undertake an advanced apprenticeship as it will enable them to gain experience in the workplace and undertake a variety of different tasks.
Which level is right for you? The type of apprenticeship undertaken will depend on both the needs of the employer and the job role as well as the apprentice, their previous experience and qualifications held.
Your training provider will also be able to guide you as to the most appropriate level for you. Intermediate apprenticeships Intermediate apprenticeships are typically considered to be the same level as five GCSE passes.
Intermediate apprenticeships are a fantastic way to get started with your career in an entry level role within an organisation
Apprenticeship levels explained
Apprenticeships are amazing
Explore a wide range of inspirational and informative resources, everything you need to know about apprenticeships whether you’re a parent, teacher or thinking of becoming an apprentice yourself.
Higher and Degree Level Apprenticeships
What is a degree apprenticeship?
Degree apprenticeships are exactly what they say - an apprenticeship programme that leads to a full degree level qualification. This could be a bachelor's or master's degree, or an equivalent professional qualification.
How do you find a degree apprenticeship?
Degree apprenticeships are still relatively new and the number of vacancies is expected to increase each year.
Top places to look include:
Find an Apprenticeship This is the government website where you can set up an account to search, apply and receive alerts for different apprenticeship vacancies.
Who are they for?
Degree apprenticeships can be for new recruits into apprenticeships (for example, those leaving school & Sixth form ) or they can be for an existing employee who is looking to upskill or retrain in their job role.
How long do they take to complete? Degree apprenticeships will typically take between 2 - 6 years to complete, depending on the level and programme.
The apprentice will split their time between working and studying with a training provider.
Higher & Degree Listing gher-degree-listing/
Twice a year, a listing of higher and degree apprenticeship vacancies is published on the Amazing Apprenticeships website containing a wide selection of opportunities and links to apply. Look out for this in November and February
National careers week
We have lots of exciting events planned for careers week 2024, including guest speakers and also opportunities for students to talk to the staff in school about roles that they have had in the past and what skills they learnt. Staff in curriculum lessons will also be making more explicit links to careers linked to their curriculum area, and giving students opportunities to explore some of these roles on UNIFROG in their lesson time.
NAW - 2024 National Apprenticeship Week 2024
Links explaining what the week highlights, as well as how to find apprenticeship resources.
Step by step guide for your child applying for an apprenticeship